Yeah, it just doesn't happen. Right wing lie. Always has been.
That wiki article alsoentionrd that 90% of abortions are first trimester abortions by pill and that tbeor sbortion rate is 10-12 per 1000 (people, women, or pregnancies-- can't remember exactly). That's low.
Wow, about Idaho. I hadn't heard that yet, but I'm not surprised. The red states cannot afford these laws they're passing; there are costs associated with policing and adjudicating the laws. Their only hope to terrorize women into policing themselves so that they're too scared to attempt self managed abortions. It won't work because abortion pills are too easy to get and despite more right wing lies, they are known to be very safe and effective.
And yes, this nonsense is being driven by fascist Christian Nationalists. If you thought you had any value as a woman in Christianity, especially fundie interpretations, other than as a broodmare for jeebus, you've just been educated on the realities of the situation.
This will split the country apsrt. It's another form of slavery and we all know what happened last time when there were slave states and free states.