Yeah. If it was, he'd be singing a different tune. Most especially if the female congresswomen, which in this reversed scenario would be the majority, are saying asininely stupid thigs about supposed magical things your body is supposed to do to thunderous applause. On the regular.
You'd develop some serious concerns about who's getting to make decusions about your body.
Like imagine if some fenale troglodyte was pushing the insane theory that boys who experience their first erection before the age of 13 will grow up to be rapists and so therefore should be castrated. 13, because that's what the Bible recognizes as adulthood.
You'd be giving the long side eye at any woman in the dating market who flippantly points out that it doesn't affect her so she doesn't really care. Right? Because you're dating, presumably, to find someone to have children with. Children who will be boys or girls or intersex. And this dufus has just told you in no uncertain terms she does not give a rat's ass about a potential family enough to secure their well being when it matters most -- before they're even born.
This is the height of selfish entitlement and narcissism.
This woman is a displaying characteristics of being a bad parent.
And so are these men. End of story.