Yeah, I read the article. This is where the analogy fails, as further detailed in that other comment.
You're suggesting punishing the individual vs addressing systemic IS okay, but only if a certain level of harm is breeched.
You specifically mentioned catcalling in a peculiar way, like that's okay as it doesn't rise to your perception of harmful enough to warrant redress. Or perhaps you feel like the broad "cost" of that redress is unfair or overkill.
For me, this tracks back to supremacist thinking. That men shouldn't be "punished" for the actions of the "real criminals" because they're nice and decent to the women they personally know in their lives. In other words, they ones they seem worthy of any kind of investment or recognition of their humanity. They ones they chose to enact some responsibility towards as opposed to everyone holding a measure of collective responsibility for everyone else. Or, protecting and maintaining The Commons any truly civilized society will prioritize.
Men inherently do that for each other but not for women. Just talking gender dynamic, not suggesting that there aren't other dividers, like race.
This is important to understand.
Going back to your analogy....
What about the person who sees a building owner enter the security code and then, for a joke or because they're bored or high, writes that code in the door with a Sharpie and publishes their "joke" on social media.
They're not a criminal. Won't be them going to jail. They didn't B&E and vandalize. They just gave some other unknown person access they wouldn't have had otherwise. An opportunity to commit crime.
Aren't they partly responsible? Are they truly Innocent? Is that pass justified? No accountability whatsoever? Not even a stern finger wagging? A shaming for setting something into motion out of self importance? Really?
This is the difference between having a society in decline and one that can thrive.
There has to be an equitable investment in everyone, not just the ones you find acceptable or pleasing or who steokes your ego.