Yeah, I read it all the way through. I meant to put a line at the bottom of my comment about how that was a universal, 2nd person plural you, not You, 2nd person singular you. And that it was a well written article.
I ran out of time and apparently hit the publish button in my haste rather than send it to drafts to finish up later. Sorry about that.
It was an extremely well written lament and I agree with you for the most part. Men need an awakening akin to the original feminist awakening, that these divinely ordained roles we were meant to play were suffocating and slowly killing us. And that there was no future there.
I think the difference, and maybe this is a false perception because of the lens of time, is that so many more men seem invested in maintaining the status quo and they don’t care about the collateral damage. They love that ideal of manhood; it’s the hill they are willing to die on. Comparatively, nobody really liked being a woman (you know what I mean here?) because nobody enjoys really being disenfranchised. It’s something you survive, not something you thrive in. For women, the selling point was a clear gain, enfranchisement and choice.
For resistant men, they’re being asked to give up a bit of ego /realign their self identity so that "men" won’t be so sad. But since according to that man box everything is a competition (for sex) it’s like you’re asking them to lessen themselves to give quarter to the enemy or aid the competition.
Quite the conundrum to untangle. And nobody can do the work of it for men. It will take multiple generations. All the marketing and media propaganda is targeting men now too, in ways they never have before.
It’s a long hard row to hoe.