Yeah, I don’t think I’m making assumptions given you are repeating pro-life rhetoric that simply true.
Nobody is using abortion as a means of birth control. No woman wants an abortion any more than someone wants a root canal. She wants the choice and the availability and affordability of a safe one if it becomes necessary. She wants the right to determine what is necessary in conjunction with her doctor’s advice. She wants that sound and reasoned choice to not be stripped from her by a bunch of blitheringly idiotic old men who think that extopic pregnancies can be transplanted and pregnancy by rape doesn’t happen because "the female body has a way of shutting that shit down."
Your thinking is incredibly skewed here.
You want it regulated by law to ensure "respect and reverence" for life.
First off, it already has been for the last 50 years under a Supreme Court decision recognizing a right to privacy. It’s been safe and regulated. The Roe v. Wade decision was very thoughtful and showed respect and reverence for the life of both mother and child. I encourage you to read it.
So, you’re making a plea or a call for something that we have already had based on a falsehood from extremist propaganda and you want laws to be made showing "respect and reverence for life" ..... by a pack of doddering old fools who have shown time and time again that they do not understand reproductive biology and EVEN THOUGH as Congress they have every resource (including researchers) at their disposal to educate themselves to make sound and compassionate decisions on this issue and others, they will not put their hubris and massively inflated egos aside enough to do so.
Besides, it’s easier to just do what their dark money lobbyist wants and get some free golf games. It’s not like they will ever face consequences of their decision, they’re monied.
These are not the people you want stealing and making that potentially life and death decision for you.
Explain to me again how life will be respected and revered by those who have shown no reverence for life that already exists time and time again and will never respect you, me, or any of other life bearer enough to make the decision with our health, safety and welfare in mind and in primacy over their financial and religious motivations?
I’m angry and disappointed that you as a woman would allow yourself to be so easily duped and manipulated by propaganda that your own life experience should be screaming at you is false. Would you use abortion as birth control? How many women in your life have used abortion as birth control vs women who have had to make a gut wrenching decision, had something go terribly wrong with a pregnancy they wanted, had birth control failure, or have not had reasonable access to or funds for birth control or Plan B?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the number is zero.
So why do readily and easily assume it of other women, your sisters, based on false rhetoric that clearly won’t ever come out of the wash no matter how much the religious fundamentalists scrub it and try to dress it up like Jesus? Do you think so little of your own kind?