Yeah, but your go to for why they left is centered on you (men).
Oh, I definitely believe men have theirnheads up their asses about a lot of things that makes them toxic to be around. I make no bones about that. I prefer bell hook's term wounded men and wounded masculinity when referring to the men themselves for the most part and toxic masculinity when referring to the behavior, the dynamic, or the environment the culture of masculinity creates. It is a poison to be in. Toxic is most correct.
Urchling and I say, "the men are having a moment" between ourselves whenever we run across something that is particularly eyeroll worthy.
But no. I don't have a problem with men in general, per se. Many of them are full human beings. Why the others want to be Gollem versions of themselves I may never understand but I can't shut my eyes to the reality that they do.
I suspect a lot of it has to do with unchecked extremes and a runaway population. In other words, were acting like rats or lemmings. Self destructing as a function of unrelenting stressors or duress.
::shrugs:: As part of my undergraduate work I focused on behavioral biology and ecology. I tend to think things through with that scaffolding.
And that brings us to women. You can't have a "poisoned or poisonous" culture and it not wound women as well. You can't have "toxic masculinity" and it not lead to "toxic femininity" as well. Pickmeishas? Toxic feminity. #TradWife culture (not to be confused with being in a traditional marital arrangement --talking about the culture here)? Toxic femininity. Throwing each other under the bus to pander to the attentions of men? Toxic femininity. Participating in extremes of beauty asthetics? Toxic femininity. I could go on.
And every bit of it, toxic masculinity and toxic femininity is an inevitable consequence of dominance hierarchy.
I've said it before, there are two roads ahead. One leads over that (lemming) cliff or (societal) cannibalism. The other leads to balance and greatest widespread well being.
But we have to be brave and we have to use our heads. We can't be lazy and we cannot accept the path of least resistence. We'll have to be like the army corps of engineers and build the road forward over rough unknown terrain as we go. I know I have the guts and the grit to get it done. What about you?