Yeah, but they don’t. If you know the fetus has died, you call the vet and guess what they do? They abort it, for the health of the mother because if they don’t then eventually the mother will get septic and die.
My dog is an intact female. If she were to become pregnant right now and have problems, I could take her to the vet for an emergency spay. No questions. No moralizing. No shaming. No hysterics or anatomical and reproductive ignorance from conservatives.
My dog now has more right to reproductive healthcare than I or my daughter do.
On rare occasions in large animals, those dead fetuses mummify inside the mother’s body. This makes the mother infertile or any other pregnancies life threatening. When that happens, guess what they do? They abort the fetus and put it in a jar. You see them on display in vet schools sometimes. They used to have one at the vet school at Auburn University. Probably still do.