3 min readJun 10, 2024


Wrong on both counts.

Being toxic feminine or masculine is about internalizing propaganda ideals of femininity or masculinity to such extremes that you become an aberrant and intolerable danger for others to be around you.

Think of it like vitamin poisoning. We all know that Vit A is necessary for your body to function well. It does a lot more than help with your eyesight, although that's what it's most known for. We also all know that as a fat soluble vitamin, it can build up and become toxic to your body if you take in too much of it. You'll get liver and other organ damage, your skin will peel, it messes with your nervous system, you'll get bone fractures and reduces bone density.

There's such a thing as too much of an otherwise good thing. Common sense.

So you see toxic femininity and toxic masculinity in the performance of extremes.

Maternal martyrdom is toxic femininity.

Learned helplessness is toxic femininity.

Eating disorders and self harm are toxic femininity.

TradWife bullshit is toxic femininity.

Corsets that make you faint. "Beauty is pain" is toxic femininity.

Men have to dominate women is toxic masculinity.

"Barely contained raging beast monsters" is toxic masculinity.

'Roided up gym rats is toxic masculinity.

Weaponized incompetence is toxic masculinity.

Boys don't cry is toxic masculinity.

Anything that is an over performance or extreme of social scripts of what it means to be a man or a woman to the point where you sre causing harm to yourself or others is toxic masculinity and femininity.

Angry rape victims are in a state of trauma bond with a society that proves over and over that it hates them and continues their trauma instead of helping them heal. That's a psychological aberration, yes (mostly on the part of that society), but it's not toxic femininity. It's a natural trauma response.

You're actually using the word 'aggressive' too broadly here. Plenty of women are naturally aggressive. It's got nothing to do with whether or not they've been raped. What you mean is combative or reactive, particularly against victim blaming or anti-woman rhetoric, of which there is no short supply of. That may or may not be a result of having been abused in some way. There's an equally good chance that they are rape survivors as that theyre just tired of fucking hearing it all the damned time. Being demonized and undermined for the crime of being born female. Being dogged theough every aspect of their lives by entitled douchebag men. By all the main religions. By the state. So they push back.

In the case of men, again, theres nothing wrong with men being aggressive. Aggression is a normal and natural part of the humn experience. That's no different for men than it is for women, though what and where they direct their aggression towards might be different.

That said, the "aggressive men" you were most likely referring to are better described as abusive or homicidal men. And their problem is not that they are aggressive, it's that they are covetous. They are hell bent of destruction, annhilation because they didn't get their due. They're entitled. Sooner or later, every one of them with that mindset will out themselves.

You'll see a fair number of them here on Medium, writing anti-woman articles and trolling feminist articles, playing the victim to get sympathy and attention. And then sooner or later they drop this little song and dance about how even though they just wanted to be loved, and they eventually found love, it's not fair because other men got more. And that's all women's fault. Even if they full on admit they never did a thing to try to stand out or get a woman's attention. It really is something.



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