2 min readJan 28, 2022


Wow. Okay.

Number One. Not only do I have a mom. I AM a mom. I am a single mom who has had very very little help and support. So I do know what I’m talking about here. And I meant what I said. Ossiana is also a mother, but she put her child up for adoption as she was not in a good place to raise him/her. That does not make her any less of a mother or negate her article in any way. It does mean she has more limited personal experience in the raising of children and the difficulties mothers face during that time.

Number two. Ossiana and I are not fighting. I have nothing but respect for her. What I said above stands, but Ossiana is not blind. She deeply cares about people and is curious about what makes them tick. She’s incredibly observant. I absolutely would trust her to look at an issue, even one she is maybe not personally familiar with, and break it down succinctly, accurately, and compassionately. Look at our history of comments and exchanges. For your information, Ossiana was the first person to clap that comment of mine and it was multiple claps.

So we’re not fighting. You just need to stop trying to cause drama where there’s not any. Certainly don’t be dragging me into your delusions. I doubt Ossiana appreciates it either, though I can’t and wouldn’t speak for her.

Number three. Adding an addendum, minor correction, correlative thought, or personal experience to a thoughtful, well written, articulate, and meaningful article does not diminish it’s advocacy. Not does it tear down or diminish the author. Nor is it not being supportive It expands the conversation and makes it stronger. Better.

Until somebody comes along with their knickers in a bunch trying to start some drama with ad hominem attacks and inflammatory nonsense.

Thanks for that. Well done.

And no. My mom didn’t appreciate hugs encouraging her to keep slowly killing herself more than she appreciated my grandparents taking us off her hands every summer so she could recharge. And I didn’t appreciate empty words meant as pacification more than I would have appreciated child support or flexible work hours.

When you’re really appreciated as a mother you know it.



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