Worth it though, if you're not in a good place for a relationship or just don't want one.
There's a lot of pressure on all of us to pair up that is detrimental to our overall well being. Relationships are hard, even in the best of circumstances. Pursuing one when you're not ready for one for reasons outside yourself is setting yourself up for failure and doing harm to others.
More people need to realize this. And stop. Without guilt and shame or feeling like a failure. You're not a failure if you're doing the responsible thing and refusing to cause harm to either yourself or others.
The people who tell you otherwise? Take a long hard look at what their agenda is. They have one; otherwise why the fuck do they care so much what you decide to do with your life? What do they want from you and why?
We should also remember that decisionsnlike this need not be forever. It's a moment in time in your life, not the fullness of time you have for your life. Opportunities abound. You're not going to be 'left behind' or "lose out". You're gaining a fuller life of experience. So get out there and live you life. Without fear or shame.