Sep 5, 2023


Women don't need models like men need them.

Women don't need models of womanhood.

Men have to have a model to define their manhood for them. They're rather obsessed with the idea. It's kinda crazy. They need this in order to be okay with themselves.

With women, it's the opposite. The more these 'models' get dumped in your lap and you accept them, the less okay with yourself you are.

Every woman's womanhood is unique to her. There is no defineable way to be a woman.

So we eont need your models. They do more harm than good. We need men to quit trying to tell us how to be and get the fuck out of our grills about it.

The feminine is nature and chaos. A tempest. It's not meant to be bound or defined or constrained.

And it's not yours to command.



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