With or without Covid, we were going to experience supply shortages and stock market crashes. The stock market has been in an inflationary bubble again due to not tightening up financial regulations and bailing out the banks the last time. This crash has been in the works since then.
Supply shortages were also going to happen due to a variety of factors, that accident that created a shipping container barge pile up, droughts around the world, water and resource wars, etc. All those things are like stones thrown in a pond with the pond being the global supply chain. Sooner or later, everyone connected to it will feel some ripples.
This is collapse. This is what it looks like. It's not the apocalypse you've seen on TV and in the movies. One wave after another that tests our resilience and our fortitude.
Good info on Covid. Wish I could say I was surprised but as you'll remember, I've haven't been one to subscribe to the idea that it was no big deal. We still haven't faced, aren't looking for, and aren't even talking about some of the possible consequences of such a recombinant virus being infectious in so many species. We're 2 years into this pandemic. Bare minimum of 5 to go before we'll have a clear idea of all the consequences.
What do you think the odds are that Monkey Pox has become more infectious because of crossing genes with Covid?