With no evidence of criminal activity or wrong doing. Just bad optics. Bad optics are not illegal.
I don’t have a problem with the investigation. It needed to be done. I have a problem with Trump still demanding he and Clinton be locked up without a fair trial AFTER investigations failed to yield enough evidence for said trial. Demanding more investigations. Sending one of his mob enforcers to foreign countries to buy cooked up forged evidence. Still looking for nonexistent email servers.
I’ve got a problem with him screaming “WITCH HUNT! DEMOCRAT PLOT!!” during a due process investigation of criminal conduct on his part where there actually was evidence of wrong doing. And witnesses. A lot of them. He was never denied due process. The investigation and impeachment were not repeated or pursued even though he turned right around and did the same thing again. There were no calls to do so.
So, here we have a leader, the top position in the nation in fact, who’s very office is charged with executing the laws of the land faithfully, fairly, and justly while protecting the civil rights of ALL citizens from governmental over reach and upholding Constitutional rights, particularly the Bill of Rights doing, in fact, the exact opposite.
Remember those? The Bill of Rights? Due process? Search and seizure? Free speech? Grand jury indictment and trial by jury of your peers? Speedy and public trial? Right to face your accuser? Barring of excessive punishment and fines? Any of that ringing a bell?
Let’s not mince words. The only reason Biden and Clinton both are not rotting in a jail somewhere is because there are still enough people in the way who have refused to carry out orders that would violate the Constitution. Barely. That buffer is getting pretty thin. Even worse, Hunter Biden would be right there with them, though he broke no law, and holds no position in government, just to get to his Dad.
Let that sink in a bit. Calls to imprison a child and maligning the good name/character of a child (even an adult one) to get to the parent. How low we have sunk. How low.
Yeah, I’ve got a problem with this. I’ve got a lot of problems with this president.
So should you.
So should every American.