Why? Why do you need a way to approach us? I'm not trying to blow smoke up your butt either, serious question.
According to many a man, at least the ones talking about it and that inudes all the so called nice guys who want a relationship and to be loved and to be chosen and all that stuff; the only reason you ever approach us is because we're beautiful and you want sex. With us. As soon as possible.
According to many other men, at least the ones talking about it, men require sex before they can be emotionally intimate, which is what a wan wants. Emotional intimacy. But then we're shamed for giving too many of you a chanxe and taking you for a test drive. Also, even when we do sleep with you that carrot of emotional intimacy is not a guarantee. More odten than not, it's a ruse. Soneere taking all the risk, getting all the societal shrapnel and flak, and still not getting the treasure or any sort of ROI that we want more often than not.
According to many men, the ones talking about it anyway, it's just in your natures to pursue sex above all else and manipulation and coercion is acceptable in almost every way because women are all whores in the end, have to be controlled, and you gotta get those legs spread. It's okay for men to have sex with as many women as he can however that comes about because they're just wired that way. Biological essentialism. Men are hunters and so they hunt.
Okay, so if the modus operandi of the human male is to use human females as toilet seats for their sexual urges at all costs-no matter what, and the risk and censure is all ours, and what we most value is going to be denied to us in most cases anyway....
Why should we help you manipulate us further? Why do you need a way to approach us?
Don't you think we're better served by accepting you for who you are based on what you're telling us and then conducting ourselves and our lives accordingly?
Wouldn't most men be happier to not be nagged or stressed out about relationships they don't really want anyway? If we're not there, you won't have to be irritated by our grating vocal frying voices either. Just saying.