1 min readMay 12, 2022


Why don’t your youth respect the law enough to not purchase illegal product?

Why are your youth so weak of mind and spirit and feel so alone and abandoned that they seek such extremes for escapism?

Why don’t your youth care about the devastation drugs and it’s industry have caused our neighbors to the south and poor communities here at home?

If, as a religious person, your belief is that the body is a temple, why don’t your youth love and fear God enough to cherish the temple He gave them?

Why didn’t YOU protect them and teach them and love your youth enough to keep them safe?

How do you think a coke head is going to fix the drug problem in this country? Really? A coke head? Maybe he could get Mike Lindell to be secretary of drug cleanup. That outta work well too!

You know it was Reagan, a Republican president who opened the door to the drug cartels, right? The whole reason Nancy Reagan headed the Just Say No campaign was to protect white children from what her husband directed the CIA to do to black communities to subvert the decision of Congress about military intervention in the Contras.

Clearly, it didn’t work though. What you let happen to your neighbor will always find it’s way to your own doorstep.



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