Who's pushing down and devaluing men's health and wellness? Isn't it predominantly men?
You can't make someone care about their own health and wellness, nor should those things be forced. It won't go well as it strips a person of agency and autonomy.
Men have the same rights to securing health insurance that women do by law. Men are consistently voting against national public health care here in the US. It was the Republican party that opposed healthcare reform and voting demographic breakdown shows that voting block to be predominantly older white, college educated, evangelical protestant men. Though, the gender disparity is not as severe are education, race, and religious disparities.
There have been public service announcements and ads that lean as a public service announcemenr for quite some time. I saw two on TV last night while I was cooking dinner and then right before taking the dog out for the evening walk. So, within 3 or 4 hours. Same channel. You have to know ad campaigns are run on a rotation and see that that's a fair bit of coverage.
Pharmaceutical companies want your money as much as they want mine. It spends the same.
The VA runs a similar campaign for veterans, who are predominantly men, to encourage them to seek healthcare, especially preventative.
There are newspaper articles, news reports, church promotions, city promotions, all sorts of promotions. Billboards, bus panels, radio discussions, podcasts, etc.
You can't turn around without hearing or seeing something about men's healthcare and wellness. It's been that way for a while.
My entire life, I've heard constant complaints from married women about how they have to nag their husbands to go to the doctor when they're sick. You ask any woman to list the biggest annoyances from her husband and top 5 will include, "he won't take care of himself".
So exactly how is it that you imagine men's health and wellness is being devalued? Open your eyes. Fuck's sake, do men need an engraved invitation to go see a doctor?
If you do, that would be a you problem, Boo. Not a problem with society not carinf about men's health and wellness.
Perhaps men's health and wellness will improve when they start to care more about it and themselves than what other men may or may not think about them.