1 min readJan 26, 2024


Whether or not someone likes an artist's work or not is a matter of personal preference.

Her record sales prove she is well liked by many a fan. This is not disputsble.

She's also not everyone's cup of tea. Also not debateable.

Her value as an artist has zero relevance to the discussion at hand. You brinfing it up is a red herring.

The point is, like many women before her, she's risen high enough to spark a backlash from middle aged men worried about their shrivelling dicks and egged on by conservative shills who need to disteaxt from having to promote ineptitudes of their leaders and so have taken to burning dolls and whinging on and on about Taylor Swift's success.

These deep fakes of her are part of that campaign of harassment.

That's the point.

Now. Do you really want to be a pickmeisha to a shill? An insecure man baby?

If not, ditch those red herrings. If so, nice try but it's not goinf to fly.



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