Mar 28, 2024


Where did I say censor?

I didn't.

Let's compare. See if you can spot the difference in a direct side by side.

"This is false advertising, misinformation, or an incorrect assessment that is our of touch with reality" --what I've actually been saying.


"These people are living their lives WRONG and should be expunged from existence. My way or the highway!!" -- which is what you are choosing to hear.

I get it. You're trying to make money, which is why you're participating in this film flam the way you are. Hucksters rely on half truths and strategic obfuscation, misrepresenting, etc.

That's a skill, I guess. Used car salespeople use it all the time to sell lemons. So, you're hardly alone.

Did you ever stop and think about the incongruities you're stuck in though?



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