When the state interferes with a woman's right to terminate an unwanted or dangerous pregnancy , which women have done since time immemorial; and also force her into raising an unwanted child (many ancient cultural practices included abandoning or drowning unwanted or malformed children or pitching them off a cliff), then that is FORCED birth.
This isn't even a human thing. Many other species will abandon newborns and infants they cannot take care of.
You dont have to like it. That is cold hard reality though. 'Foundling' is a word for a reason. Abortion allows women to make that choice safer and sooner, so suffering is limited.
There's a lot of talk about how women are going to die because of these stupid, inane, draconian laws. And that's true. There will be more death of otherwise healthy women, mostly women who wanted the child but something went wrong. They will die in agony. That's what's natural about pregnancy. Before modern medicine it was a deadly business. Something like 20% of pregnancies had complications. That's what's natural. 1 in 5 was problematic or downright life threatening.
Without accessible abortion and, dare I say, birth control (because it's believed these fundamentalists are going to go after women's birth control access next) you're going to see a lot more infant mortality as well. Women who get in the family way will be sent to work houses and the like.
You know, those places used to be run mostly by the Catholic Church. Priests and Nuns would pitch newborn infants into furnaces. It's well documented and wasn't a rare occurrence. Same thing at residential schools. Some of those newborn's were their own children becuse those girls didn't get pregnant by themselves. What's the current count of bodies found in mass graves at Residential schools? Of course, they're only finding the ones where there was enough of a body left to find.
Unwanted children for sent into various forms of care, often as young as toddler age, where they were fed a steady diet of alcohol to keep them quiet. Hungry children tens to scream a lot and there was never enough food. They got sent out to work as soon as possible. They died really young.
This is what FORCED BIRTH leads to. Unfathomable pain and suffering. People have a short memory and they've forgotten what it was like prior to women being able to control their reproduction.
It was brutal. It was horrendous. It was a constant spectre of death and despair.
But, dear God! Let us not use divisive language. Most especially as this issue irreparably divides us. And be assured, if minority religious interests are allowed to run roughshod over the majority on this issue, there will be others. This IS an ideological divide we are NOT going to be able to get past. Especially if, out of polite language or a false sense of civility, we refuse to call a spade a damned spade.