What the hell?
Women haven’t been operating as some sort of secret Bene Gesserit organization right under your masculine noses for a hundred thousand years. We’re not suddenly now, for no particular reason at all, displeased with and want to get rid of/correct/fix 100k year program to design the perfect stud. When women are given away as property as they have been for most of the last 10k + years, what choice would they have in this breeding program you imagine you see?
Sorry, but you’re straining credulity with this one. That’s being generous to a fault. Credulity hasn’t just been strained, it’s snapped and shattered, the remnants picked up by a quick breeze and scattered into oblivion. Never to return.
No. We don’t have that kind of foresight. Or power. Never have.
No. For the most part, we’ve spent the last hundred thousand years just trying to survive you.
Survive birthing you.
Survive living with you.
Survive others of your kind who would harm us because you slighted them or because you have something they want. Be that us, wealth, land, or connections.
Survive your wars.
Survive your genocides.
Survive your neglect.
Survive your anger. Your lust. Your greed.
Survive your apathy, your scorn, and your never ending derision, contempt, and falsely blaming us for everything under the sun that you find disagreeable.