What stood out to me was the double standard evident in the word 'monster'.
Men these days go on dates with all this put on bravado about their sexual prowess and PUA tactics to manipulate women into sleeping with them. They lie about their height and their income and their living situation and where or if they went to college. They neg. They berate the wait staff to display the "dominance" the don't really have (cause it's safe right, and they're super insecure). They'll push alcohol toward you and try to tease you into over drinking (so that you'll come around to their way if thinking about how the night should end) or even try to drug you in extreme cases (because you need 'help' loosening up).
And so forth and so on. We all know the stories are long and never ending. And that they really cover the gamet from milder but stupid thought processes to straight up predatory.
My point is that every bit of that is a false front, just behaviorally rather than one's physical appearance.
I find it interesting that your friend described women who wore what he considered escessive makeup (and you were included in this) as a monster for presenting a false front to 'trick' a guy but fails to apply that label to men (which would include himself) for constantly presenting false intent.
I also find it hilarious that he's being "tricked". Unlike behavioral lies which have to be teased out over time and weighed against observation ..... Did he think your eyelids were naturally blue and iridescent? That your eyelashes were that long and dark without an assist? Or that your nails naturally grew gems in them like an oyster produces pearls?
One of these days I'd like to run into one of these guys with the audacity to say this to me so I can hammer down on him real good to find out where he came by this field guide to Hominid females. I bet it's something.
The other thing that occurred to me about what this dude said is that despite what he said, he's not interested in getting to know the real you as a person. All he cares about is how you look which means you have a shelf life because we all age and gravity is unkind sometimes.
I hope you weren't foolish enough to date him. I see you paid too much attention to and over valued what he said though. And that's a shame because you seem like an intelligent, outgoing, caring, affectionate, and warm woman.
Regardless of how YOU CHOOSE to present yourself to the world. It should always be your choice.
Maybe.....just maybe....if he had the courage a more evolved man has to observe and value the world and other people through his heart instead of his eyes, he would have seen the real you, all of you too.