1 min readFeb 19, 2024


What feminists?

There's a difference between saying women no longer need men for money or economic viability and men have no value.

Those are not the same statements and not equivalent claims.

Interesting that it always men decrying feminists for supposedly saying men have no value even though....

1. They can nevwr produce said feminist who said that. Woman presenting avatar does not equal feminist.

2. It is tangentally always men who claim that men have no inherent value because they can't give birth and feminists who respond to that with "what the hell are you muttering about?"

There's some huge cognitive dissonance going on here and honestly, I don't think the bulk of it lies with women in general, and certainly not with feminists.

Both can't be true statements, gentlemen.

Either you have value or you do not. Make up your minds gentlemen, and get okay with it. The constantly shifting goalposts (narratives) aren't going to fly anymore.



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