2 min readFeb 12, 2023


What does that have to do with my comment?

Seems like a dodge or accountability to me, because I was talking about activism, protest, and some serious self work in unpacking gender schema beliefs.

Men will complain on the internet about how they face IPV too but will not do the work to fund and create shelters for male victims. They demand that women do it for them as part of their work to protect women.

Men complain about how they are disadvantages in family court, but where is the activist work in getting men to be more involved with raising their children so that courts grant them custody more? Where are they stepping up for parenting classes? Getting behind legislation for parental leave benefits? Getting involved in K-12 education? Becoming visible and consistent in their child's life? The court system doesn't favor women like men think, it favors the child.

They gripe about how they're expected to sacrifice their lives in war and are subject to the draft. So where's the march on Washington demanding either equal representation in the draft with women or it's abolishment? Who's sacrificing their time, energy and career beating the halls of Congress to get that legislation done? That's something else men gripe about but expect women to do for them, particularly feminists.

Where is men's skin in the game? Because the rest of us see a lot of men sitting up on the internet saying a lot of hateful and nasty things and harassing women in online spaces, but very little actual work to make change.

I'm not saying there's absolutely none. There are a few men and groups doing trying to move the needle. But they're a whisper compared to what they could be if men actually invested in what they say they want. And it's not because you're not capable or you don't know how, so don't try that dodge either.



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