What absolute garbage.
Few women are even aware they are ovulating. And trust me, no woman is sitting around saying to herself, “ooh, I’m ovulating! I should make myself attractive to all potential mates. I gotta get pregnant right now!” Most women have mates, therefore have sex available when they want it. For those who live independently, sex is also quite readily available when you want it. Toys.
As for more makeup, if an actual increase in use exists, the extra makeup is to more likely tocover a blemish due to hormone fluctuations, not to attract a mate.
More jewelry? Okay, some women are jewelry hounds, some aren’t. I myself hate jewelry. I don’t wear much of anything except earrings. Every woman I’ve ever known wears the same amount of jewelry, and they stick to pieces they prefer. So it’s personal choice. It’s got nothing to do with one’s ovulation cycle. Also, the wearing of jewelry arose in the first place as a means of displaying wealth.
Lastly, whether one is ovulating or not, menstruating or not, one dresses within the acceptable confines of the venue one is attending. One wears work clothes to work. Gym clothes to the gym. And for most of us closet space is finite. Also, the term “skimpy” is subjective. Just because one woman is comfortable wearing “less” clothing than another woman doesn’t mean she is trying to seduce. Or ovulating. She’s just more comfortable in a different type of clothing.