We've got to get rid of this gender essentialism nonsense.
We've got to rebuild community venues for low pressure, no expectation socializing. Just getting to know people.
One gender doesn't value relationships and social skills. These are not innate. They are learned skills. That needs to change because it's killing men, turning them violent, and it's unfair to labor dump the work of having and maintaining relationships solely onto women.
If the transactional argument wins out, the both sides cannot bitch and moan about their side of the transaction and they cannot demand being kept coupled when they are skimming, cheating, or not making payments on their side of the transaction. That includes on both the individual or micro level and on the societal or macro level. Until that argument is decided one way or the other though, both sides are free to argue their case, but NOT as representstives of their entire gender or any group associated with one side of the argument or the other, only as individuals.
We've got to get marketing propaganda that objectifies and uses sex to sell products. That's where the bulk of objectification and comparison problems are coming from. It's relentless in the US. It's led us down a bad path and left our young exposed to maladaptive thought processes.
Sexual shame needs to end. Men can't demand sex in order to be vulnerable and build a relationship but then shame women for having sex with them and demand virginity and low body count. Double standards need to go.
We need to stop shaming people for not wanting to partner or have children. It's not selfish to realize you're not wired for, not ready for, not resourced for, or fundamentally lacmi g in any significant way to be partnered and/or have kids and then acting appropriately on that by not partnering or having kids. We need to verbally blast to hell any fool who suggests otherwise because they are undermining the autonomy of us all. We need to see that shit for what it is.
That's a start.