Were they specifically using those words or are you or the anchor/interviewer conflating?
I'm having a day where nearly every guy I run across in the comments seems to be playing mix and match with words.
Hunt has two definitions. To pursue and kill for sport or food. To search determinedly for someone or something. Which one do you think a lot of this alpha ideology, PUA, redpill, manosphere, etc more closely align to?
They've made a sport out of dating and courtship in an attempt to game for more sex. Right?
That's the "hunting" men were warned to button up.
Pursue means to follow in order to catch it attack someone or something; as in to seek a sexual relationship with someone in a persistent way. Even if they say no? That's coercive rape and that's specifically what PUA teaches. .
To chase means to pursue in order to catch; to drive or cause to go in a specified direction (like gettig chased out of the dating scene by a barrage of dick pics or manipulative behavior).
Again....that's the shit men were warned against. They persisted because it makes grifters happy and apparently, according to some, it makes men feel more like men. More masculine. Personally, I think that's bullshit but whatever.
Did they say they wanted men to initiate dating?
Initiate means to cause a process or action to begin.
It's understandable that women would prefer this because most men seem to think that any initial interest initiated by a woman is a promise of sex. That's problematic.
I could and am equaly piint out to you that when men learn to play that role of being given the invitation to a date appropriately and consistently, then women will change to initiating dating more.
You don't get it both ways. Either learn the receiving role or suck it up and get used to a lot of rejection when you hunt, pursue, and chase in that big game hunter or predator/prey dynamic instead of initiate.