We're still a dominance hierarchy. The right to vote for women is no more secure and sacrosanct than reproductive rights are. They are contingent on the okay of the powers that be, which are still predominantly older, wealthier, white men. With some exceptions.
Like I said, there's more flux, more play. But the system is the same. A small few get to decide who the haves and the have nots for everything about our lives.
And we all still go along with it for the most part.
Radicals who start breaking away eventually get burned so the system can protect itself.
Nothing has changed but the veneer.
There are already calls to strip voting rights from women. It's usually patriarchal handmaidens preaching this shit relentlessly. Little Serena Joy wannabes. In 20 years or so....we could be right back where we were. And we probably will be because we're regressing. There's a fascist uprise. First order of business in rising fascist is to get the women under control and in line. Use other women to do it. You cannot take power without having women in line.