We're on Dracula now and Urchling is struggling through the overly florid 19th century verbosity. She said, "the wasted way too much time talking back then. I never realized how much of a time saver television is. *Pause* In a certain regard. " Lol.
On one of my turns, I'm going to pick a James Fenimore Cooper, one of the Long Rifle series, but not necessarily Last of the Mohicans because I've already made her watch that movie. Look at that, it was time saving.
I think, in keeping with her rabid devouring of everything historically Chinese at the moment, the Joy Luck Club and Raising The Red Lantern should also make the list.
If you're on a Sci-Fi kick, and in keeping with some of the sociopolitical things you've been writing about lately, you should try Brain Plague by Joan Slonczewski. You'll see some overlap and the same themes you've touched on but, you know, with intelligent bioluminescent microbes that live in your brain.
I'm afraid I just won't be happy with you until you read that one so I can say, "I told you so". I really think you'll love it. I read it at least once a year. Find something new to think about every time. It's right up there with the Bible, like that.