We're on a clear fascist path with the fascist political party in bed with religious zealots.
We've always had a fringe ge element and we've thwarted fascist uprisings before. Those times there wasn't a clear cult of personality attached to it though and those were before evangelicalism.
It's different this time. It's the same, it's always the same but it's different too, in some striking and profound ways. We're in trouble. Real trouble.
These elements are either going to consume each other or further coalesce and consume everyone else.
Like every other major upheaval, it's always a slow boil until it's not.
There's some disturbing parallels between what's happening here and what happened in Iran with the advent of Sharia Law.
Ours won't look like theirs exactly. It's unlikely we'd lose the right to drive due to geography and we won't be forced to wear hijabs. We won't be publicly hung in a town or village square, we won't be publicly flogged or beheaded.
But there are calls among these elements for stripping women of all of the following and as I said, these calls are gaining support.
-reproductive autonomy including abortion, birth control, and elective sterilization
-the right to vote
-the right to a college education and any supportive program to attend
-financial enfranchisement
-the right to divorce
-the right to certain jobs (that could otherwise be worked by a man if women weren't competing with them).
There are specific calls for the following...
-enforced monogamy or some kind of lottery system to give available women to available men so men won't off themselves from loneliness.
-that gays and theys be executed, "shot in the back of the head after a "fair" trial for the crime of homosexuality". In the back alley, no less.
-witch hunts.
-demon hunts
-our very own Kristallnacht
-mass firings without cause
-civil war
-political and religious executions
-a return to family values as generally listed above.
Like I said, we've always had our crazy and unhinged element. But we've never had them amplified by social media, wide swaths of the public would never have believed that David Koresh, for example, was baby Jesus reincarnate or personally annointed by God like they believe about Donald Trump. Nobody in their right mind would have handed David Koresh the nuclear football but a sizeable portion of the population wants to give it back to Donald Trump, a known conspiracy nutter, even after many other nations reported concern over their safety from us with him in the Oval Office.
It's different this time.