2 min readJan 25, 2024


We're not in a feminist utopia and PUA was not a response to sex positivity.

It was always present, just disorganized prior to the internet. Internet chat groups allowed these guys to get together, trade tactics, encourage each other, strategize together, and eventually normalize and mainstream their chicanery. Kind of like how pedophiles were helped and sex traffickers were helped by the internet and it being the wild west.

Sex positivity made the same mistake a lot of social movements make, it assumed that all or most people are well meaning and fair minded.

As a species, we have yet to reckon with this fallacy. It's not completely untrue, but it's not true either. We kind of work on a slide rule of integrity. There are always trends and counter trends, you know?

Sex positivity failed to account for the wolves and the vultures amongst us.

And yet, it had to happen. The addiction and suicide rates caused by sexual repression were just out of hand.

Ita kind of like prohibition. People talk about prohibition like it was an abject failure caused by loudmouthed, meddling women or feminists (see how feminists get blamed for everything? Prohibition was predominantly a conservative movement, not a progressive one. Most feminists wanted the right to drink in a bar too) but domestic violence had reached such extremes it was making women's lives intolerable. And when men stopped getting drunk every night, the violence DID go down.

The mob was an unforeseen and unintended consequence. But who and what are to blame? The women who marches and pushed for prohibition or the violence enacted upon them that made their lives a living hell?



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