Well, they're hot topics. Lot of people writing about it and a few other things.
Medium has decided to promote new authors more because of complaints from them and others who complained about getting content in their feed from authors they didn't follow but who had a very large audience. So really, the changes you're seeing are due to the incessant whining and belly aching from other readers and writers who think an algorithm should read their mind or something.
You should have seen my feed after that change. Absolute garbage. I've blocked Tim Denning multiple times but he keeps popping up in my feed. It's been whack-a-Denning and positive thinking garbage for weeks now.
And why? Because I made a few snarky comments about them and possibly because I engage with opposite (realism) material.
That was the crux of all the complaints that Medium decided to address: Not enough exposure given to new writers to give them a "fair" shot, too much pushing of already successful writers who's comtent has a fandom especially all "doomer" content creators, and that the algorithm promote "ideological bubbles".
The solution of which is to send new writers up to your fees with their personal production of their very own personal version of The Lighthouse and make your feed resemble you mailbox after selling you address to every business and Nigerian prince in the world.
Yay progress.
Let me know if you'd like to borrow myboruning shears and don't fret over a little sweat. It's good for the skin.
Just stay positive about it. For God's sake, DO NOT under any circumstances address that elephant in the room. The hopium drunks can't handle it.