Well … the 'men' I’m referring to were from when I was in high school, in the 80s. So your "low testosterone" theory doesn’t apply.
Did I not clearly say, not all men? Why yes, yes I did. So it’s not man bashing unless it applies to all men. It’s entitlement bashing. I clearly stated that the same entitled little pricks from high school are still singing the same old tune they were then. It’s the 2nd or 3rd verse so the words have changed but the tune is still the same.
If you think I, as a woman, am bad you should hear my father. He says far worse. Both my grandfathers did too, only they called these guys Ne’r Do Wells. My uncle (relatively) recently retired from teaching 9th grade biology at a school where he was also was the wrestling coach. You should hear him go off about all the lazy and entitled little pricks in schools today.
Some men I follow online …. they’ve all had the choice word or two about egotistical jerks. Some of them have taken on these guys so women don’t have to. They really let them have it.
I’ve got a bunch of male cousins, many of whom were or are special forces. Know what one of them said to me a couple of years ago after a great aunt harangued me about remarrying?
"I don’t blame you for wanting to stay single. Any man worth marrying is already married. The rest are just an embarrassment to... to..." He got stuck trying to think of something he could say in front of Grandma.
"To testosterone?" I supplied.
He laughed. "Yeah, they’re an embarrassment to testosterone. What happened?"
But unlike you, he didn’t blame women. He realizes that somewhere along the line, men got off track and started missing the mark of what it means to be a man. Then he took a plate of food to his wife who was nursing their infant and took the 2 older kids to get them settled with a plate. This particular cousin is an Army Ranger.
He also realizes that nobody did that to men, they’re responsible for their own selves. Real men all realize that. I see it from time to time. They step up. They don’t whine about "hateful women" like some spoiled pampered princeling wannabe.
BTW, in case you’re confused, that attitude and attempt to deflect is a tell tale sign of a very fragile man-child. But you go ahead and dismiss female anger from the near constant harassment and entitlement we endure these days as mere man bashing. Good luck with that. I’ll be over here tuning motorcycles with my cousin while he rocks his infant to sleep or packing parachutes with my dad after canning a run of tomatoes. Or maybe planning a hiking trip with my uncle while he braids his granddaughter’s hair, smiling as I remember my Papa trying to wrestle all my unruly curls into dogears for picture day.
Call me crazy, I prefer the company of real men. Men who step up when and where they’re needed instead of bitching and moaning about how all their petty little problems in life are because of women.