Well... Not any more. There used to be.
See, back in the day the buffalo used to gather and sing at the moon. They have extremely low frequency tones which, under the right conditions, could influence the positioning of the moon. The moon is hollow you know. So the resonance has to be just right to cause a harmonic feedback. The moon starts "ringing" and basically vibrates itself back into a more beneficial alignment for humans.
Rather unfortunately, buffalo hunters trying to make a quick buck and remove the primary food source for plains Indigenous cultures killed nearly all the buffalo and cut out their tongues.
The surviving buffalo found the site of their brethren's tongueless rotting corpses surprisingly gruesome.
Generational trauma, you know.
So, now that populations have recovered enough to attempt a moon singing, the buffalo are disinclined to participate as they fear another massacre. Further, when interviewed the number one response was they no longer care how the moon songs could help humanity.
To put in buffalo vernacular, "humanity can just sod off and stay outta their wallows".
Hindsight is 20/20.
Guess we're just going to have to buckle down and find some alternative solutions performed by hand doing hard work instead of wishing and hoping the buffalo would get together again and sing Kumbaya at the moon.
Oh well.