Well. It's not that they're immune. There are plenty of addicts who are Asians. I'm also not suggesting that familial honor doesn't have it's drawbacks. I'm a firm believer in ideas of balance; that a lot of the good/bad dichotomy we operate with in a moral level is really neither in and of itself, but anything can become bad if left unchecked to the point of being allowed to come out of balance.
For example. Little girls are often berated out of displays of traits like stubbornness because they're "unattractive" and displeasing to men. Men won't want you. Yet, if you're in a survival situation, or facing a long recovery period after an injury, or want something that is going to be super hard to attain, you need that stubbornness in order to gut it out through those difficulties.
Boys are berated out of displaying emotions because it's "unattractive" and displeasing to women. Women won't want you. But you need those emotions and those skills in order to truly be part of a family, for you to truly experience the breadth of humanity, to make better sense of the world around you. Without them, there's a spiral of depression and loss of self esteem.
You see the same idea play out over many broader things, societies, cultures, corporations, etc.
To circle back around to the point, I'm saying that extended families work better to keep a lot of things, excesses if you will, in check leaving children with a higher probability of being able to thrive. I'm saying that our experiment in nuclear families is a societal failure and an unnatural way to bring up kids. Most people can't handle it alone or as a couple. The ones who donated the ones with enough money to outsource what would otherwise be provided by extended family.
The absolute best outcomes in chiksren are from single moms who are economically viable and have extended familial support. I suspect you'd find the same or comparable results when looking at single dads but the report didn't look at that specifically. Children do best when they belong to a clan rather than a nuclear family too small to mitigate internal dysfunction ls or societal/historical/economic wobbles they have little or no control over but must weather.