Well, it's not a general fact. It's an opinion based on your perspective as a man. Both statements are also generic and imprecise and even contradictory, that of course, people are going to scrutinize them for context and meaning. They're going to need to try to get a handle on exactly what you're talking about.
Are you suggesting that people should just be able to read your mind and know what you mean? Why?
Are you saying that men have fewer emotions than women or that they don't express them as readily? Are you suggesting that women are incapable of controlling their emotions but men can? If you agree that men are often 'ruled' by testosterone then doesn't that make them as or maybe more emotional than women? All those behaviors are driven by emotion, after all, just like with estrogen/progesterone swings. If men are less emotional, why can't they control their anger? Are you saying anger isn't an emotion?
Resentment is an emotion. Isn't the fact that you resent being scrutinized for trying to pass an overly broad statemrnt of belief off as fact proof that your belief is wrong? Your resentment demonstrates the error in it, as we speak. But maybe it's just your testosterone leading you towards saying something.....well, you know. Totally different, not the same thing AT ALL.