Well, it makes perfect sense from thenpoint of view of hyper-mascinity. Problem is, hyper-masculinity is a farce, a clownish interpretation of what it means to be a man. It's every bit as crazy as hyper femininity.
I'm guessing you know how most men feel about these women who choose to adopt a caricature of womanhood.
Why would most women feel any differently about the men who choose to present themselves in the world as a caricature of manhood?
Men need to decide if they want to be men or an extremist caricature.
About need. Women don't want or need to be dependent on men. They don't want to be forced or trapped into a role of constantly performing gratitude and appeasement for bare minimum men when they're doing the bulk of all the domestic tasks and providing income too. We want to be recognized and appreciated for how we provide and protect our families too, rather than it just expected and invisible. We want men to stop demanding or begging for a participation trophy just for standing at the starting line.
That said, what i highlighted in your comment is spot on. You cannot have a real partnership without interdependence and reciprical need. You've got to know you can count on each other. If I die tomorrow, can my partner step in and nurture my child or is he insistent on only being a "provider" and "protector" in ways that yove him status over what OUR child needs to thrive and grow up well?
Men need to be asming thrmselves these questions and stop fretting over their status amongst other men so much. They're not paying your bills or keeping hsrmony in your home. Why the fuck do y'all listen to them so much? That's not very smart, logical, or strategic.
About intimidation. ??? I recognize this is a thing cause y'all keep saying it. I don't get it. I think maybe it's because you kind of put us on a kind of sexual pedastel. Which is weird. I got nothing on this.