Well, feminism is about more than dating and it's not an instruction manual.
It can't be, when you think about it.
When you get down to it, feminism is about changing the social contract of how men and women relate to each other across all strata of society. It's not going to happen overnight just as we didn't leave the bonds humans had before the the advent of plough agriculture. It was a slow progression to dominance hierarchy. It'll be a slow progression out of it to whatever comes next. We're no longer an agricultural or even an industrial society though so we have to change because what was doesn't work for us well anymore. It's causing too much pain and anguish for too many of us all.
So this a journey is one of trying new things out, a few at a time, weighing the pros and cons, keeping what works and discarding what doesn't, slowly over time until we get to the point where most everyone more or less agrees with what will become that new status quo enough for things to settle for the next phase of our evolution.
That means you don't "follow" anyone else's draft of feminism. You consider them, try them out, try to see their perspective, give new ideas a chance, air out the old ones, and so forth. You commit yourself to the road trip with no expectations other than to be part of the journey. You'll mess up. You'll take a wrong turn. That's okay, we all do. No worries. You follow YOUR version of feminism and trust we'll meet up with all the others at the end of the journey.
When it comes to dating, this is an individual issue, not a group one. To use your examples.... No, I would not date a serial killer, but there are women who do. Once these men find themselves in prison, most of them suddenly also find a fan club of weirdly thirsty women. It doesn't crank my tractor, but apparently it does theirs. I think they're nuts, but it's their choice and how they want to spend their life and their heart.
As for the smelly dude...meh, smell is ambiguous. Some men have very attractive smelling sweat and some women love men's musk. I was sitting at lunch the other day and one of the new guys walked in. He's reasonably attractive. The ladies over at the other table swooned when he left, as did my dining companion. He was wearing cologne and they were going on and on about how great he smelled. I nearly gagged. To me he smelled more like dehydrated vulture vomit. I didn't find it pleasant at all. My God, people pay good money for that??
A fair number of people also have chronic sinus problems and can't smell very well, so your guy may or not even register with them even as that same guy makes the dog pass out from nasal assault.
Worry more about being okay with yourself, gaining relationship and communication skills, figuring out who you are, and how to build the life you want. When you do these things, you'll be attractive to the right kind of women and they'll put themselves in your path, hoping you notice them too.
My advice? Work on you and open your eyes. Don't fret about it so much. Enjoy the journey. The rest will come.
But you own your life, not me. You're welcome to come along the direction I'm travelling if it suits you for as long as it does so as I've made a similar feminist commitment, but you don't have to. You can also choose to strike out on your own or go with someone else. In the end it's your journey and you have to be accountable to yourself and your immediate loved ones as much as you are to society as a whole.
Make sense?