Well. A lot of times they are, especially here on Medium.
Here's what you'll see.
1. Woman who is a feminist writes a feminist article about women's issues. Let's say, reproductive rights.
2. Man associated with the manosphere or MRA hits the comment swction with an absolute diatribe against feminism. It will be nothing related to reproductive rights, what the article is about AT ALL. It will be this vitriolic spewing of whataboutism.
3. Somewhere in that comment will be something like: feminists don't care about men. What about the draft? Name one time feminists protested against the draft. If feminists truly cares about men, then they would demand the be drafted equally.
4. When you look I to the profile of the guy who made this comment you'll see one of two things
A. A blank profile with a very small number of followers, no avatar, no stories, new account.
B. A guy who's been around for a while and has some stores. You scroll down his story list and you'll see a lot of anti-woman or anti-feminist titles. You speed read a bit from a few of them and they are all about dumping on women or getting things from women. Nothing about organizing and strategizing to tackle the problem with the draft legislatuon.
It becomes clear pretty quick that the guy doesn't care about the draft or whatever, he's just using it to be disruptive, get attention, and cause drama. It's an attempt to derail the woman's article.
It's a grown man acting like a spoiled toddler throwing a tantrum.
You will see these guys pop up in nearly all feminist articles.