We start pushing for a full rout of the Republican party no matter how long it takes. We sanction and censure, publicly, Fox News by withholding our attention and our money. We boycott any businesses that buys advertising space from Fox News. We go after them any way we can financially. They either shape up, stop marketing themselves as reputable news, or go out of business.
We give our civic responsibilities more priority and not take our thumbs off the scale. We send the message that these shenanigans will not be tolerated by either party anymore. You will lose your office if you do. Vigorous debate, yes. Underhandedness and dirty double dealing, lies, misinformation, corruption, hell no. We demand constant accountability. We don’t take no for an answer.
We draw a line in the sand and we mean it. They step over it, we knock ‘em out. We wear them out and wear them down instead of the other way around.
We work on ourselves so we are not so easily propagandized. We practice critical thinking. We stick to civil discourse. We update for the modern era the 'market place of free political ideas’. We build a national nonparty discourse platform where people can go to learn about, debate, critique, and refine ideas without political affiliation and without an algorithm that creates an echo chamber. It should be free to the public, have rules that must be adhered to or you get booted, and with no advertising. We leave politics out of Twitter and Facebook.
Otherwise, we get exactly what we asked for. More of the same because we’re too weak willed to build something different. Ultimately, it does no good to blather on about how they’re supposed to work for us when we’re too lame and shiftless to be responsiblep and present bosses. Just saying. If we want better, we need to own our part in this and make changes.
Good question. I yield the soapbox back to you. 😃