Mar 27, 2024


We always grew our own. Not the supermarket variety either. Let 'em sweeten on the vine. Summer at Grandma's house was half a cantelope and a small bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every morning.

I don't have them much anymore because of the recurrinf salmonella outbreaks, I'm not overly partial to the reticulated variety, and they get picked too soon in industrial agriculture so they don't taste as good as if they had ripened on the vine.

I'll miss our friendship. I was gonna send you some plumgrannies to fix your distaste of melons.

Perhaps one day we'll make up over a nice honeydew. They're green.

It's okay if you're mad at me. Truth be told I'm a little disappointed that you left out root vegetables. You know what happens if you play baseball with rutabegas, don't you? All the nukes disappear. Yeah.



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