Wanting men to be different and living in disappointment and false hope that you'll get some of that adoration and love in reciprocity is not thr dame as being better off with them being a true net positive to your life.
I think Mark is right.
Most species live sex segregated lives. They do so for a reason. That organization doesn't generally work out well for most males. It's male behavior that drives it, not beccause women are "naturally" hypergamous.
Men turning their backs on every trait and characteristic labeled as feminine and over inflating every one labeled as masculine drives this. The behavioral change that started this more recent push toward separation was choosing predatory behavior in pursuit of sex.
There really aren't that many species that are predators that can coexist in pair bonds like humans have.
Is it really that surprising that the dynamics of our human pair bonds would shift when the behavior around acquiring them shifts toward predatory dynamics and strategy over cooperation and mutualism?
It shouldn't be surprising at all. Show me the gazelle that likes hanging out with the lion. Show me the giraffe that doesn't approach the watering hole with extreme caution. Show me any small animal that doesn't keep one eye trained on the skies and have an escape route ready.
What IS surprising is that so very many men thrn brother on endlessly about how being distrusted hurts their feelings when they chose to mimic behavioral patterns that inherently lead to distrust and thrn demand you soothe those hurt feelings and make it all better for them.
Really gentlemen. What were you thinking?