2 min readSep 20, 2023


Unless you've been illegally held in solitary confinement long enough to be persistently lonely or lost on a deserted island, you are not a victim of loneliness.

I'm saying it is not something that was done to you by another against your will or consent. Not that it doesn't exist or that men aren't lonely.

It seems you, like many, need a reality check on this.

Here goes. There's not a loneliness epidemic affecting men. Actually look up and read that report all this man drama came from. It said 59% of women report feeling consistent loneliness and 57% of men.

There's a loneliness epidemic. Period. Full stop. It's not gendered. End of story. In fact, by the numbers, very slightly significantly more women are reporting loneliness than men. 2% more.

Suicide attempts are also significantly higher in women. I forget those numbers off the top of my head.

What is gendered is successful suicides and that's due to predominantly one reason and one reason alone.

Guns as a means of suicide.

Men will eat a bullet in far greater numbers than women. Women's preferred methods of suicide have a far greater rate of survivability. That's the only way you have a statistic like more attempts but fewer successes.

Now let's take a moment a recall some of the many conversations about sensible gun control. While those conversations didn't focus on male suicides, they certainly included it.

I hate to break it to you, but if we can't get enough people to agree to sensible gun legislation to save schoolchildren from being slaughtered in their classrooms by predominantly young white men, the rest of you don't have a prayer in hell of getting suicide means limiting legislation passed. That's just the cold hard truth of the matter.

But wait. Remind us again. Who was it most arguing against gun reform? Who was it with the "Don't tread on me" and the "you can have my guns when you pry them from my cold dead fingers"?

Wasn't that predominantly men? Wasn't it exactly the demographic most committing suicide? Older white men. Correct me if I'm wrong on that, but wasn't that who it was?

So once again we have this narrative coming from aggrieved little sock muppet men about how nobody cares about men and nobody will do right by men when all along it was them.

Men won't do right by men. Or anyone else. Ever.

Make it make sense. Or y'all can just shut the hell up about it. You can fool yourselves all you want. But you're not fooling anyone else. We can read and understand statistics too.



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