unfair treatment in divorce courts, the draft, biased admissions in college, differing standards in the military, the Duluth model of domestic violence which renders male victims unable to seek help lest they be the ones arrested...
Show me the legal statute that has ever prevented men from going to college. Show me the college admissions board criteria that says to evaluate admissions differently based on gender and gender alone.
Are we at war? Are men being snatched off the street in this country and sent to war? Until very recently, who prevented women from combat roles in the military or even serving? Now that they can and are, do you really believe that a quick pen stroke won't draft women as well if an invasion occurred? Why aren't you men marching and protesting about this? Why aren't you hounding legislators to right this injustice? Maybe because the only time you feel discriminated against by the selective service is when you are made to feel uncomfortable by women and others addressing the historic and ongoing ways they are legally discriminated against and the problems it has caused.
Family courts function for the best interest of the child. You are not discriminated against in preference to women. That is an opinion of feelings not an objective reality because you assume women are getting everything they want handed to them. They are not.
The police arrest based on the first one who called, who has the most obvious physical damage, and who threw the first punch or charges of sexual abuse. On DV called, they are not concerned with emotional or financial abuse for men or women. There is no police procedure that says, "if a woman says a man hit her arrest him on her day so". There has to be some other activity, like him threatening to kill her, charging at her, or physically taking a swipe at her in their presence, the presence of bruises or an altercation for them to take him in. Or she has to make a claim and press charges.
He can do the same actually.
There is also a civil process to gain restitution for someone making false claims against you.
Further, men promote a double standard here about abuse. If he's being abused, why did he stay in the relationship if it's "really" abuse. Can't have it both ways.