Mar 18, 2022


Ummm, you did understand that I was mocking "creatives are filthy layabouts" narrative right?

I mean, when the tools of so called "meaningfully productive" people came about from moments of creative leisure, you have no point. What you have is a pine cone of self promoting superiority shoved really hard up your ass.

Imagine the chafing. It just doesn't bear mentioning. No wonder they're always in such a foul mood. They figure since they can't sit down, no one else should be allowed to either.

That was me working up some creative imagery. What'd you think?

A great many scientific advancements came about because of leisure. Theory of gravity. Scientific nomenclature. Velcro.

Yeah, the Velcro dude was shirking work and out roaming with his bird dog. What a filthy layabout.



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