My original comment was refutiating the idea that was put forth by the article that women on the internet are armchair quarterbacking Psychological diagnoses just because they appropriately use a word that ALSO happrns to have has a particular meaning in a clinically medical sense.
The word has been around as part of the common vernacular for a whole lot longer than it's been used as a clinical term for a personality disorder.
The word has been around since the story of Narcissus has been around as a Greek fable. Narcissism as a clinical term has been around since what? The late 60s? It didn't make the manual until 1980.
Ergo, to claim the word that his been part of the vernacular for centuries can only be used to mean a personality disorder that wasn't recognized until 1980 is nothing but intellectual hubris and more grievance thinking. It's a bit like saying the wors green can only ever be used in reference to sustainable energy while the word has meant a color and a type of plant for a whole long longer. It's an absurd ridiculous claim.
Even if it was predominantly psychologists who made the term popular, starting in the late 1800s. It was, for over 100 years, a description of a personality trait and nothing more. NOT a personality disorder.
They are not the same. They are nowhere near the same.
Psychologists should have picked a different word to name their personality disorder because narcissism was already in common use as a personality trait or phase people sometimes go through.
To now claim that women are using the term incorrectly in order to hurt men, or bash men, or adopt a victim mentality, is ludicrous. They're using the term correctly. For the most part, they're even being very mindful to keep to the grammatical conventions that disti guish between the two. Lower case n for narcissism, meaning exhibitions of selfishness and self absorption between romantic partners and upper case N meaning a clinically diagnosed personality disorder or Narcissism.
Don't like it? Take it up with Webster and the word club down at Oxford.
Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people.
Kind of like how you might be so self involved over being rejected that you literally blind yourself to the fact that women experience rejection too.
That is narcissism born of grievance thinking and entitlement. You are overly wrapped up in our own feelings of woundedness.
And it IS becoming very common in men. It's discernably and noticeably on the rise.
The focus on men is because the original article pandered to male grievance thinking in a very specific way. That deserved redress.
This is not to say that you don't see the same sort of narcissism in women. It lands differently because it's built upon gender tropes, but the root, the kernel of it is the exact same damn thing. Grievance thinking, entitlement, and yes..... narcissism.
And you just proved to the whole world, once again, that you're a narcissist. You make everything about you and how you've been done wrong.
Even.👏 When..👏 That's. .👏Not..👏 What's.👏. Happening. .👏
You want to feel better? You want the loneliness to end?
Get that chip off your shoulder. Grow up.