Uh huh. It is what it is, my guy. Take a look.
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the activity of catching catfish.
"with the Mississippi River far below its normal level, the catfishing kept getting better and better"
the process of luring someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona.
"he was a victim of catfishing himself"
And. How can I spot a catfish?
They want to know your personal details. ...
Conversations that get personal very quickly. ...
You can't find any trace of them online. ...
They ask you for money. ...
They ask you to keep your relationship secret. ...
They avoid face-to-face contact. ...
Their stories don't add up.
Those are straight off a basic google search. You don't usually meet catfish. The relationships stay online because they're completely fake.
So, if someone agrees to go on a date with you they're not catfishing you unless they're clearly a completely different person than what they posted online. Looking a little scrubby compared to a highly stylized, edited, and curated photo is not the same thing. Especially when it's obvious the photo has been edited or posed for.
If you go have professional portraits made, theyre going to edit our your acne. Erase or smooth out some hard lines or scarring. Soften up you chin waddle and so forth and so on. And of course, there's all the lighting and angles.
Nobody walks around in everyday life looking like a magazine cover. Not even folks who frequently ARE on magazine covers.
That is not the same as pretending to be an entirely different person in hopes of extorting money or emotional ties from them.
You are expected, in life, to display some discernment, rationality, and apply some common sense when dating. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be dating. You'll just end up disappointed and hurt or disappointing and hurting others.
And it's gall, not gull. Gull is a bird. Gall means bold and impudent.