3 min readMay 21, 2023


Uh huh.

Believe it or not, I don't have a problem with him hating women, per se. And I take him at his word that his upbringing wasn't stellar. I've no reason to doubt him.

Women aren't angels. Sometimes mothers are abusive and/or neglectful. Abusive parents often enlist the help of siblings in the gaslighting portion of abuse, especially when one child is the target of the abuse.

Of course he wouldn't exactly have warm fuzzies toward women under such a situation.

I'm even glad he's chosen a solitary life if he can't heal and move on from it. It's the smart play to not put yourself in a situation where you will be furthering the abuse cycle if you can't end or appropriately manage that anger.

For that, I applaud him and I'm grateful even while I'm sad for him that he feels he has to deny himself what he desires in life to feel safe and in control.

Where I have a problem with this guy is two-fold.

If he had an abusive/neglectful mother then we have a situation where one parent, the mother, was actively harming her child and the other parent, the father, who left him to be abused, along with a whole chain of other people,men and women, who either didn't know, didn't/couldn't act, or didn't care.

So tell me again, how this is the fault of "women" and not the fault of "society"? He acknowledged society was the problem in that rambling diatribe but then lays that at the feet of "women", as though we control all of society.

Remind me again, institutionally, who are the main decision makers for where societal resources go and what laws are passed? Who gets help and support and what kind? Who's sitting in the bulk of those seats? Who are the faith leaders?

But it's "women". Right. Sure. Of course.

The second problem I have is, he's chosen to vent his spleen specifically toward feminist women. He specifically mentioned independence and freedom as being the source of problem women. As though if you stripped the autonomy of every woman in the land then, magically, abusive women would cease to exist. Bibbity bobbity boo.

No, my guy. That's how you INCREASE rates of abuse and neglect. Even infanticide.

If there was any one group of people working and fighting to create conditions of freatest widespread wellbeing of people, it is humanists. Feminists are simply humanists who focus on women's issues and relationships between men and women. Just as true menists are humanists who focus on men's issues and the relationships between men and women. (Not to be confused with the Jordan Peterson sycophants who ultimately further harm men and wish to subjugate women).

So while I understand he has some unresolved gender issues and I sympathize, the same as I do with misandrists because most were sexually abused by men as children, he's also blaming the wrong groups for that trauma.

The exception he's looking for, would be found amongst feminists more likely than anyone else. Not the fence sitters. Not the #NotAllWomen ("your childhood trauma makes my feelings hurt because everything is about me") brigade --and I hope you see what I did there, and not Influencers types who use a social issue wrongly in order to make money off people's pain while pretensing to give a rat's ass.

No. I'm talking about the rare few who actually want a better world and walk the walk.



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