Oct 16, 2020


True. We’re at a point with abortion pills that it really won’t matter where you live or what the law is. A course of abortion pills is roughly $100. And with telemedicine, it will not be hard to access.

Even if they outlaw provision based on area code or zip code, it will not be hard to set up intermediaries or get around that other ways.

Really. The genie is out of the bottle. Though there’s always lateral fallout with an accompanying financial cost born by society for anything that becomes black market.

The issue really is one of civil liberties. Women shouldn’t have to hide or go outside the law, etc., to get the care they need and deserve. No one should get to force their religious belief system on someone else. People who do not understand basic principles of reproduction should not be allowed to make laws regulating it.

It’s worth fighting tyranny of the minority on principle to prevent further tramping of your rights and civil liberties or someone else’s. Because it won’t stop with abortion. These people (generally) want to make same sex marriages illegal too and they want to reeducate homosexuals and transgenders.

It’s not hard to imagine some sort of segregation would be next. Not necessarily racial, maybe the “faithful chosen” and everyone else.



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