Troll them back longer and harder and more embarrassingly.
They'll get Big Mad and start tracking your posts.
Then throw them a bone about something they have a valid point about, even if it's only tangentally.
One of two things will happen.
You'll shatter the cognitive dissonance they've built or it will have no effect.
If it has no effect, then ante up and go all in. Track their posts and respond at as many as you can. Your goal is to divert their attention and energy from their goal, which is to harass as many women as possible.
It works better, acting as a defender to another woman writer on her wall. It works monumentally better when you're not the only one standing up to the troll. The minute another guy steps in to mock the troll as well, the whole thing collapses and he goes away. He blocks you, even if the second guy isn't really taking sides.
In the end, trolling is just like any other pecking behavior. It's about status and attention. You end it the same way as you address any bully. You stand your ground, you stand together. You make them back down or you make sure the pay off is unpleasant enough to not do it again.
Ignoring them doesn't work and it has a cumulative and widespread detrimental effect on the women (or females, in other species) forced to endure it.
Pecking behavior is a feature of dominance based social structures. When the negative effects of pecking behavior exceed the benedits of social bonding, social bonds and units break down.
You should see what happens in rat colonies. It'll curl your hair, it's so similar to what's happening to us humans.