Treated heavily how? Most rapists get a slap on the wrist already, if any consequence at all. Look at the backlog of rape kits sitting on shelves.
You're making some assumptions about outcome here. You think further punishing women who come forward will mean more women will be believed. It won't. What it will do is deter more rape victims from coming forward at all. What would be the point? There would be no chance for justice.
That means the only thing left is vengenace. I really don't think men want to see what that will look like.
No. You need to have a mechanism for justice. Why does all this have to be reported before adjudication anyway? Why does the public feel it has the right to consume the private lives of entertainers and professional sports players.
You want harsh laws. How about harsher consequences for violating people's privacy? The lublic does not need to know what individuals have been accused or arrested for unless there is a meaningful public interest. They need to know what people have been found guilty of and yet convicted rapists' privacy is more protected than men who have been accused. I have seen this in action and the inevitable result. More rapes.